Friday, August 10, 2007

Finally Here

Life is full of mixed emotions and the past 30 days has been a rollercoaster ride for me. It has been great to get back home with my family, but wow, do I ever miss my "Spokane family." The youth group and "posse" are amazing people that I am afraid I will never be able to replace. Maybe I don't want to replace them - they are unreplaceable!

I love where I am, but long for the the past too.

I am almost finished school for this term and it has been completely brutal. With the adoption of my daughter, a mission trip, planning another trip for the teens, accepting a new job and moving to Canada, has made it very difficult to do what I need to be successful at school. I have learned a lot, so that is great.


Tereasa said...

It's almost over!

Sendy said...

I hear ya on longing for the past. I am glad that God gave us a memory to learn from the past and to also help us treasure the things that God has blessed us with and know that he has been with us all along. Hope the settling in goes well. We love and miss you guys! By the way, congratulations on the adoption finalization!